As part of the Science4Life business plan competition, LUMITOS will guide start-ups to success in online marketing

Berlin, 24.09.2015 Successful online marketing from day one: LUMITOS, formerly CHEMIE.DE Information Service GmbH, Europe’s leading specialist for science internet portals, will support the upcoming German business plan competition “Science4Life Venture Cup 2016” as a silver sponsor. On top of the total prize money of 67,500 euros, participating entrepreneurs will receive in-depth expertise from experienced professionals.

“Over our many years in the industry we have noticed that marketing is not sufficiently addressed in companies’ budget plans,” says Stefan Knecht, Managing Director of LUMITOS. “This is particularly the case for entrepreneurs, who as market entrants still need to establish themselves. We are pleased that we can support participating company founders in chemistry and life science with our online marketing expertise and will actively contribute towards the sustainable success of ambitious entrepreneurs.”

The experts at LUMITOS will give workshops and webinars in which the important basics of online marketing are conveyed to the entrepreneurs so that they can recognize its importance for their company’s success and take it into account when setting up their business plans. The winners of the Science4Life competition will be invited to LUMITOS in Berlin where they will personally receive coaching sessions aimed at guiding their online marketing activities to success.

Since 1998, the nationwide business plan competition of the start-up initiative Science4Life has supported entrepreneurs in the promising life science and chemistry sectors to get off to a successful start. The state government of Hesse and the healthcare company Sanofi are the competition’s initiators and main sponsors.

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Eva Pach
Eva Pach
Senior Marketing Manager
+49 30 204568-16
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