Your challenge

You want to increase your advertising intensity to gain new customers. Or you need to respond because your competitors have become more active. Is there an advertising format that you can order at short notice and that makes an immediate impact? What you need is to react flexibly, preferably without taking up your time.

Our solution

LUMITOS disseminates over 900 B2B newsletters every year. This diversity is unique in the industry and gives you maximum flexibility for your newsletter advertising. Every week, you have many opportunities to place your advertising message at short notice. And this without additional effort for you, if a Product or Catalogue Presentation of yours is already online on the LUMITOS portals.

Your benefits

  • Newsletter advertising allows you to stimulate demand for your products and services
  • You’ll reach up to 145,000 newsletter subscribers and get your message across swiftly
  • Instantly effective advertising you can order for each week’s newsletter edition

Newsletter Advertising at a glance

Performance features
  • Instantly effective advertising you can order for each week’s newsletter edition
from 49 €
per 1,000 recipients

For each of your aims, we’ll offer you the right newsletter ad placements

Beat your own drum: the Company Ad is the perfect supplement to your Company Presentation in the buyer’s guide. Six product or service keywords and your company logo place the emphasis on precisely the aspects that are important to your customers. Interested readers can easily click directly to your Company Presentation.


Runtime: 6 newsletter issues

Your benefits

  • Your company logo and company name
  • 6 product or service keywords
  • Link to your Company Presentation on the portal
  • Choice of calendar week for placement
89 €
per newsletter reference
Your contact person

Johannes Jügel
Johannes Jügel
Key-Account Success Manager
+49 30 204568-10
Contact me


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    This is how we’ll support you in newsletter advertising

    Write texts

    Translate texts

    Create banner

    Create landingpage

    Online media planning